


所有未来的研究生都必须满足研究生院的一般入学要求, as well as the specific admission requirements of their respective programs. For information on both general and program-specific admission requirements, 以及使用说明, 请访问以下链接.

在路易斯安那州e世博esball大学攻读研究生学位可以帮助你获得事业上的成功, 个人成长, 以及工作满意度. e世博esball大学排名第一. 3名hbcu学生被U.S. e世博esball and is nationally known for its leave-ready philosophy, 卓越教育, and commitment to a just and humane society for all. Xavier will prepare you to be a leader while providing you with an excellent education. Here are some of the benefits of pursuing a graduate degree at Xavier:

  • You will gain knowledge and skills that are in high demand in the job market.
  • 你将与其他专业人士建立联系,建立关系,这将有助于你的职业发展.
  • 你将培养批判性思维和解决问题的能力,这将使你成为一个更有效的员工.
  • 您将有机会进行研究并为您的研究领域做出贡献.
  • 你将在学术和智力上受到挑战,这将帮助你成长为一个人.

如果你正在寻找高等教育来帮助你实现你的职业目标,并在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出, look no further than Xavier University of Louisiana.



  • Master’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university with a minimum 3.0的绩点
  • Minimum combined GRE score of 294 or MAT score of 391 are preferred but not required
  • 两封推荐信
  • 个人陈述/statement of interest detailing why you chose this program and Xavier?
  • 还需要一份写作样本(申请过程中将向申请人提供写作提示)。


  • 在线申请
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • GRE或MAT成绩 are preferred but not required
  • 两封推荐信
  • 个人陈述 detailing why you have chosen this program and why Xavier?
  • Successful completion of an online interview upon invitation


  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university 至少有2个.5平均绩点
  • GRE成绩是必需的,没有最低分数
  • 两封推荐信
  • 个人陈述/兴趣陈述,详细说明你为什么选择这个学习项目
  • Selected applicants will be invited to participate in a group interview


  • 在线申请
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • GRE成绩是必需的,没有最低分数
  • 两封推荐信
  • 利益声明书

教育领导艺术硕士是为寻求教育领导角色的个人设计的, 校长助理, 或者中央办公室管理员. 教育领导-教育领导的专业准备在以下领域提供专业化:

  • Educational Leadership - building-level K - 12 certification track, and
  • Educational Leadership - non-certification track.


  • A bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university 至少有2个.5平均绩点
  • 最低研究生入学考试(GRE)成绩达到280分或米勒类比考试(MAT)成绩达到380分是首选,但不是必需的
  • 两封推荐信
  • 利益声明书 detailing why you have chosen your program of study


这个高级课程提供了从幼儿园到12年级影响教与学的教育问题的观点. It is designed to prepare educators to be leaders as teachers, 校长, 以及中央办公室管理员. 该计划符合当前路易斯安那州对高级学位和国家教育领导认证或高级学位所需课程的要求, 只有. 要完成认证过程,申请人必须通过国家执照考试, 持有有效的a类教师证书,并有三年成功教学的证据.


  • EDLD 5000 -有远见的领导力
  • edd5000i -远见领袖实习
  • EDCG 5000 -统计
  • EDLD 5015 -协作领导
  • EDLD 5015I - Collaborative Leadership Internship
  • EDLD 5570 - Management of School Personnel and Finance
  • EDLD 5570I - Management of School Personnel and Finance Internship
  • edld5540 -教育法
  • edd5540i -教育法实习
  • EDLD 5060 -课程进展
  • EDLD 5060I -课程发展实习
  • EDLD 5020 - Supervision of Instruction and Assessment
  • EDLD 5020I - Supervision of Instruction and Assessment Internship
  • EDCG 5010 -研究方法
  • EDLD 5040 -组织领导
  • EDLD 5040I - Organizational Leadership Internship
  • EDLD 5580 - Capstone Seminar for Educational Leaders
  • EDLD 5999 - Comprehensive Examination in Educational Leadership




  • 完成网上申请- 
  • 两份专业推荐信
  • 2.5平均绩点
  • GRE/MAT scores are required with no minimum score
  • Must Pass Praxis I (Pre-professional Skills Test)
  • ACT综合成绩为22分,或SAT口头/批判性阅读和数学综合成绩为1100分或更高(新SAT)或1030分或更高(2016年3月前的SAT),可以代替practice 1 Core Academic Skills for Educators的阅读考试, writing and math by prospective teachers in Louisiana. 
  •  必须通过实践二(内容考试)
  • 所有申请者必须在注册前通过学生健康服务部进行健康检查.


  • 在线申请
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • GRE/MAT scores are required with no minimum score
  • 练习I和II的分数
  • 两封推荐信
  • 利益声明书


  • Praxis 1 may be waived if an applicant has an ACT score of 22 (composite), a SAT score of 1030 (combined verbal/critical reading and math), 或者更高的学位.

25% Tuition Discount offered to teachers and other educational personnel. 

We do offer a 25% tuition discount to current teachers and other educational personnel 只有 在秋季和春季学期. 

注意: 夏季课程不符合折扣条件. During summer school the university discounts the same courses. 这使得e世博esball暑期学校成为新奥尔良研究生学费最低的学校之一.

Please contact Ahdija Donatto in the Division of Education and Counseling at 有关获得此折扣的资格要求和流程的更多详细信息. 


  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university
  • 至少有2个.75年平均绩点
  • GRE成绩优先,但不是必需的
  • 三封推荐信
  • 兴趣陈述/个人陈述(一页),涉及以下主题:1)你对公共卫生的兴趣是什么,为什么你计划攻读公共卫生硕士学位? 2)你未来的职业目标是什么,你在学术上或专业上做了什么来引导你对公共卫生的兴趣?


  • 在线申请
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • GRE成绩优先,但不是必需的
  • 三封推荐信
  • 兴趣陈述(一页),涉及以下主题:1)你对公共卫生的兴趣是什么,为什么你计划攻读公共卫生硕士学位?  2)你未来的职业目标是什么,你在学术上或专业上做了什么来引导你对公共卫生的兴趣?


  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited college or university 至少有2个.5平均绩点
  • Minimum combined GRE score of 280 or MAT score of 380 are preferred but not required
  • 三封推荐信
    • 两封来自熟悉学生学术工作的教授的学术信,以及一封来自熟悉学生在其教会和/或社区工作的牧师或教牧人员的牧师信


  • 在线申请
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • GRE或MAT成绩
  • 三封推荐信
  • 利益声明书



•地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位,优先考虑整体3.平均绩点为0,优先考虑.2 GPA in the 沟通 Sciences and Disorders courses  


  • 三封推荐信, 2 academic, and 1 professional 
  • Official transcripts from every college or university attended
  • Successful completion of a face-to-face interview, upon invitation.
  • 个人陈述

         *作为申请过程的一部分, 申请人必须清楚地以书面形式表达对文化和语言多样性的看法.

  • 研究生 Record Exam (GRE) score requirements include a 280 preferred combined score.  (语言 & Quantitative Reasoning), preferred writing score of 3.0


          *非英语为母语的学生将需要通过托福考试,并展示适合服务交付的英语口语理解能力. A minimum TOEFL score of 600 on the paper-based exam, 网上考试100分, 必须 be achieved on a test taken within the last two years. 学生 may be referred for accent reduction or ESL instruction.


  • 在线申请
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
  • 需要GRE或MAT成绩
  • 三封推荐信
  • Personal Statement - as part of the application process, 申请人必须清楚地以书面形式表达对文化和语言多样性的看法
  • Successful completion of a face-to-face interview, upon invitation




In addition to the documents required for a specific program of interest; all 大学 or University transcripts 必须 用英语.  If educated in a non-English speaking college or university, a Course-by-Course 对学院或大学工作的评估 必须 be evaluated by a United States foreign credential evaluator from the NACES评估机构. 推荐使用SPANTRAN. Applicants who utilize SPANTRAN via link will receive a 10% discount on the evaluation. Please access the evaluation application via SPANTRAN 在这里.

English language proficiency is essential to your success at Xavier. 申请人在英语不是教学语言的国家完成了全部或部分高中或中学, will be required to demonstrate English proficiency by completing the 作为外语的英语考试 (托福) 国际英语语言测试服务 (雅思).


Minimum TOEFL or IELTS scores required for non- native English speakers:

  • 托福:纸考550分
  • 互联网- 80
  • 雅思:7.0


最后是e世博esball大学 经济资助证明书 (a notarized form indicating who will pay the cost of attendance) is also required.


Current students who were not enrolled the previous semester 必须 apply for readmission. 寻求重新入学的研究生必须在注册之前提交重新入学申请. 请提交你的重新入学申请 在这里.

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