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The “Aha” moment that makes it worth it: Dr. Ashwith Chilvery被任命为e世博esball大学研究和赞助项目办公室的助理副总裁

Dr. Ashwith Chilvery names AVP of XULA ORSP

New Orleans, La. – For Ashwith Chilvery, Ph.D.他在学生们脸上看到的“顿悟”时刻让他喜欢上了高等教育. For more than 10 years, he has played many vital, if eclectic roles, 帮助学生发挥学术潜能,离实现梦想更近一步. Recently, Dr. 奇尔弗里加入了路易斯安那州e世博esball大学的研究和赞助项目办公室(ORSP),进一步追求科学领域的多元化代表, technology, 作为研究和赞助项目运营办公室的新助理副总裁.

e世博esball大学的研究和赞助项目办公室为大学的教职员工提供全面的服务和支持. Its mission is to grow, support and safeguard Xavier’s research and grants enterprise, 允许研究人员在他们赞助的项目倡议中取得成功. 服务计划提供四个主要范畴的服务:批出前及批出后活动的管理, support of university research compliance activities, oversight of the university’s vivarium, facilitation of technology transfer. 该办事处还与学术界合作,参与创新和经济发展方面的战略举措, health care and industry partners. 作为研究和赞助项目运营的新助理副总裁. 奇尔弗里将通过在研究领域发挥领导作用来支持大学的研究和赞助项目, research administration and sponsored programs management.

“We are very excited to have Dr. Chilvery join the ORSP team,” said Kaneisha Akinpelumi, e世博esball大学研究和赞助项目办公室的助理副总裁. “ORSP is devoted to expanding Xavier’s research capacity, 助学金组合和学生参与创新的机会, 跨多个学科和行业的突破性研究和编程. Dr. Chilvery’s faculty experience, scientific background, drive, 他的商业头脑使他非常适合推进我们的目标.”

Dr. Chilvery, 他是e世博esball大学物理与计算机科学系的终身教授,在那里工作了七年, 就在秋季学期开始之前,他开始在ORSP工作.


他对有机会拓展研究视野表示兴奋, forge partnerships, and expand research opportunities offered to Xavierites.

“Given today’s circumstances, 在e世博esball大学和全国其他hbcu,需要创造性和战略性的领导力来建立能力并扩大科学研究能力,” said Dr. Chilvery. “As a focal point for all research operations here on the campus, 没有比ORSP更适合我展示科学家大脑的地方了, the heart of a faculty, and the sensitivities of an administrator.”

In addition to his doctorate in applied physics, Dr. 奇尔弗里还拥有印第安纳大学凯利商学院的MBA学位. Dr. 奇尔弗里十多年前开始了他作为技术转让专家的职业生涯, facilitating grant writing workshops for minority-, 妇女和退伍军人拥有的小型企业寻求纳入小型企业创新研究(SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. 从构思到创新的短暂实习,使他牢牢地进入了高等教育的轨道, which according to Dr. Chilvery是最成熟也最具创新性的行业之一.

对材料科学和电气工程的不同领域有研究兴趣,并在光伏和先进传感器方面有应用, Dr. 奇尔弗里是能源部(DoE)和国防部(DoD)各种研究奖学金的获得者。. He has authored over 25 peer-reviewed publications, served on a few journal advisory boards, and has reviewed over 30 panels for various federal agencies, including NSF, NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 他是路易斯安那太空资助联盟的校园代表也是美国工程教育协会(ASEE)院长委员会的成员.

Dr. 奇尔弗里期待着利用他作为一名独立调查员的经验, educator, 项目经理和顾问,帮助办公室简化运营并提供战略见解. Now, 他期待着帮助e世博esball大学的学生和教职员工探索未知的领域,并利用他们的新发现使世界变得更加公正和人道.

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About Xavier University of Louisiana

Xavier University of Louisiana, America’s only historically Black and Catholic University, 是全美排名前三的HBCUs(历史上的黑人学院和大学)之一. Recognized as a national leader in STEM and health sciences, e世博esball大学每年从医学院毕业的非裔美国学生比美国其他任何一所大学都多. Additionally, e世博esball药学院也是美国培养非裔药剂师最多的学院之一.

Established in 1925, 由圣凯瑟琳·德雷塞尔和圣礼修女会创立,作为非裔美国人和印第安人接受优质教育的地方, Xavier has since expanded its programs in art, business, education, biological sciences, chemistry, pharmacy and political science. More recent additions in robotics, bioinformatics, engineering, data science, neuroscience and genetics, in addition to new STEM-based master’s programs, 为e世博esball大学的学生(2815名本科生和787名研究生)提供了无与伦比的传统课堂学习组合, hands-on research, service-learning opportunities and life experiences. e世博esball大学的学生与世界知名的教师合作,他们是各自领域的专家 fields, to produce award-winning research and notable work. e世博esball大学的成功模式是为学生提供一个平衡的课程和一个培养他们的智力和灵魂的环境, thereby facilitating a more just and humane society for all. 欲了解更多关于路易斯安那大学的信息,请访问我们的网站 or contact Regi Reyes at (504) 520-5240 or